January 22, 2025
Internet Dating Profile

Okay, you have taken the big plunge and joined an online dating service. Your heart has stopped pounding and you can take a few, relaxing breaths.

But wait! The job is only beginning.

Now you have to approach the dreaded “profile forms”, and telling the world all about yourself is never much fun.

But it doesn’t have to be the scary task you imagine it to be. Creating an online dating profile is actually pretty easy. And, once you’ve done one, it gets easier for any new profiles you create for other Internet dating sites.

Luckily, on most Internet dating sites, the work is made a little bit easier for you with standard question and answer type forms.

These are just one or two word answers about your gender, age and all that general stuff. Easy!

But, the hard part is when you have to write a paragraph or so about yourself. Some of the dating sites have “profile builders”, but I’m not a fan of them. You can end up with lots of men all having similar looking profiles.

Your job is to STAND OUT!

How do you write a profile that not only stands out, but will have appeal for women? The answer to that is comprehensively described in my downloadable, free e-book.

However, here are a few basic dating tips for creating a profile that you should follow to get good responses from women.

  • Don’t write too much, and don’t write too little. Two paragraphs is my golden rule
  • Make sure the photos are the best you have available
  • No sexy photos on your profile page – there are usually private galleries for that
  • Avoid shorthand, SMS type language. Keep the lols and OMGs to a minimum. Better still, don’t use them at all
  • Accentuate your good points – achievements, job etc
  • Be confident without sounding cocky. Girls like a bit of shyness.
  • You can be a “bad boy”, but don’t go over the top with it
  • Be yourself

Finally, get the profile you have written checked by a good friend to make sure you don’t sound like a complete idiot

So, there are some basic tips. The good thing is, if the profile is not getting responses, change it up a bit.

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